Halasana yoga : in 6 steps and its benefits.

 Halasana, also known as Plow Pose, is a yoga asana that involves stretching the back of the body, especially the spine and hamstrings. The name comes from the Sanskrit words "hala" which means "plow" and "asana" which means "pose".

To practice Halasana, follow these steps:

1. Lie down on your back with your arms by your side and palms facing down.

2. As you inhale, lift your legs up towards the ceiling.

3. Exhale and slowly lower your legs over your head towards the floor.

4. Place your hands on your lower back for support and try to touch your toes to the ground behind your head.

5. Hold the pose for several breaths, breathing deeply and slowly.

6. To release the pose, slowly roll your spine back down to the floor.

Halasana has several benefits for the body and mind, including:

1. Stretches the spine and hamstrings, helping to relieve tension and improve flexibility.

2. Stimulates the thyroid gland and improves digestion.

3. Calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.

4. Can help relieve menstrual discomfort and reduce menopause symptoms.

5. May also help to reduce insomnia and improve sleep quality.

 However, Halasana should be avoided by people with neck or back injuries, high blood pressure, or glaucoma. It is also important to practice this pose under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor to avoid injury.