What is sirshasana and how to do it and its benefits

  • Sirshasana, also known as the Headstand, is an advanced yoga pose that involves balancing the entire body on the head and forearms with the legs extended upward. It is considered to be one of the most powerful and beneficial yoga poses.

To perform Sirshasana:

1. Begin in a kneeling position with the forearms and hands clasped together in front of you.

2. Place the top of your head on the ground in front of your clasped hands.

3. Straighten your legs and walk your feet closer to your head.

4. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling and slowly begin to walk your feet closer to your head.

5. Slowly lift your legs up, straightening them towards the ceiling, until your entire body is balanced on your head and forearms.

6. Hold the pose for a few breaths and then slowly lower your legs back down to the ground.

Some benefits of Sirshasana include:

1. Improved blood circulation to the brain, which can increase mental clarity and focus.

2. Increased strength and flexibility in the upper body and core muscles.

3. Improved balance and stability.

4. Reduced stress and anxiety.

5. Stimulated pituitary and pineal glands, which can help regulate hormones.

It is important to note that Sirshasana should only be attempted under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor and should be avoided by those with neck or back injuries or other medical conditions that may be aggravated by inversions.